 This Spanish revival villa is situated in a 13 acre garden which cascades down a steep hillside into a ravine and up the other side. Buildings were placed on steep slopes, allowing the flat space in the center for the formal entry garden and lawn. T
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 This Spanish revival villa is situated in a 13 acre garden which cascades down a steep hillside into a ravine and up the other side. Buildings were placed on steep slopes, allowing the flat space in the center for the formal entry garden and lawn. T

This Spanish revival villa is situated in a 13 acre garden which cascades down a steep hillside into a ravine and up the other side. Buildings were placed on steep slopes, allowing the flat space in the center for the formal entry garden and lawn. The ramparts of the rear garden step down the hillside and include pools, terraces, fountains, runnels and a reflecting pond, all of which terminate at the belvedere with ‘floating’ pavilion. Other garden features include; koi pond, amphitheater, sports complex and specialty gardens. 

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